segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2012

E-mail language

Teaching business English makes me develop my vocabulary as each area has its own technical terms. It's great fun, but it's also challenging!
A lot of the communication in the business world nowadays is through email and that's where many doubts come up.
Because of this I decided to list here some expressions you can use while writing an email:

To start:
Dear Mr./ Mrs./ Ms...
Hello ...
Good morning/ afternoon/ evening...

To refer to previous contact:
Following our meeting (phone call), I'm writing to...
Sorry for taking so long to answer.

To say thank you:
Thanks for replying so quicly...
I appreciate your help on...

To refer to an attachment:
Please find attached
I'm attaching

To ask for a reply:
I look foward to hearing from you
Please get back to me ASAP

To finish:
Best Regards

 Activity-Complete the folowing e-mail with the expressions listed above:

__________ Mr. Stevens,

_________________________________, I'm writing to inform you that the order you placed won't arrive on time. I apologize for the inconvenience, but we had problems with our supplier.
_________________ a bonus discount for you next purchase.

Mary Richards

You can leave your answer on the comments! I hope this can be helpful!

sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012

Website Launch-

I'm proud to announce that my website is ready. It took us 3 months to prepare it, but we made it.

First, I'd like to thank Vitor Carvalho, who designed and programmed the website, the teachers who have already decided to be a part of this project: Caroline Jolie, Juan Gabriel Ruiz Luis and Linda Lemus and my students who wrote beautiful testimonials- Suelen Lopes, Fernando Braune, Nairajane Ellery, Ana Ellery and Germano Braga.

My friend Marie Grammare who is working on the translations to French and my boyfriend Andrés Bertona who not only did the translation to Spanish, but also helped me think about the details of this new challenge.

Besisdes, I'd like to thank my parents for always supporting me in all my projects.
Finally, this is the link:
I hope you enjoy it!

terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2012

ESL VIDEO Activity- Sex and the City

One of the things that has helped me a lot to learn English is to watch TV series and movies in English.
I still do that to keep my English up dated.
Because of that I have created one activity with a video that talks about the movie Sex and the City. I used the service of the website to create this activity.

Here is the link:

Hope you enjoy it and if you have any doubts, just write them here or on the activity itself.